
Finally got my first Gomez Peer Payment at Paypal

Patience is a virtue, and right now nobody other than me can realize it more. I have been waiting for this from several weeks and am so glad to see that Gomez Inc. does make payments to their peers.

This reminds me of a great quote from Alexandre Dumas - "All human wisdom is summed up in two words - wait and hope"

See the snapshot of email I just got from PayPal regarding a payment of $7 sent by Gomez Inc.

Just $7?

I know its not a big amount but Its for my computer idle time for few weeks which is well utilized by Gomez Inc using its Peer Program. The Gomez Peer program keep using your idle computer time while you are not using your computer but its running.

What is Gomez Peer Program
This is a Java based program which can be installed on your Windows based system. This runs in background and uses your computer idle time for its processing.

How to apply for Gomez Peer Account?

You can follow my referral link to get quick approval.

For more details about applying/approval process of a Gomez Account please check this post : Earn Money for Idle Computer time

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