
My Answer To - Re: Only 10% of the global cyber-security workforce are women

Sad to know such high tech industry could be so biased. Specially in this era where almost anyone can learn hacking [ http://bit.ly/2cHfqWI ] Why such a discrimination.

Companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and more tech giants keep talking about equality however they keep failing at bringing the cultural change.

I am a female tech worker and Most of my jobs have been at well known companies. I have almost always noticed this discrimination. Not only in terms of hiring, but in terms of pay grades as well.

I got much less pay for the same job my male colleagues were getting.

Though there are government laws to protect this type of mischief - corporates almost always fly under the radar.

Very unfortunate.

As commented on Disqus - Latest Comments for kzvikzvi1 http://ift.tt/2cx0F6V

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