
One tweet I Surely don't like - Twitter is over Capacity

Have you seen your twitter page show like this? "Twitter is over capacity. Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again." Are you getting annoyed by this message? Don’t worry, you are not alone. This is certainly one of the hottest discussion in web.

Lately, Twitter has been down more than the sea level. You may have seen this more often if you have tried changing your profile picture or background picture on twitter.

What does it mean in technical terms?
How Twitter can resolve this problem?
Why Twitter is overloaded?

What does it mean in technical terms?

You are getting this message because you are being redirected to Twitter’s 503 page (Service Unavailable page).
An HTTP status code 503(Service Unavailable) indicates that twitter Web server is currently unable to handle the request because of a temporary overload or maintenance of the server.

Why Twitter is overloaded?

Many people are trying to understand "Why Twitter is having so many issues":

Here are few possible reasons we can think of

  1. 1. Scalability of underlying framework they have used (Ruby on Rails).
  2. Too many automated users are spamming and fewer are Genuine users. Does Twitter need to put more storng limits for automated users?
  3. Twitter has become the Short Messaging Service of the Internet. Due to its 140 characters per post, and millions of users are using it these days. This could possibly be the biggest reason.

How Twitter can resolve this problem?

Twitter needs to explore all possible options to scale up their application this could be some options like

1. Scale up and get more hardware?
2. Reduce the limit of automated tweets.
3. Act fast & hard on spammers.

I have seen this page once or twice every week on twitter & I am sure many other people are seeing this more and more. Twitter needs to find out a way to scale up their application otherwise people are going to hate it and its going to be dead in coming few months or so.

twitter over capacity, twitter is down, why twitter is down, how twitter is down, too many users are twitter, too many users are tweeting, how to bring twitter up, twitter traffic

