When I opened a new 8lbs packet of Toor Dal recently bought from a Indian Store. I took a cup of it to cook and decided to pour the rest in a canister when I noticed the black object inside, closer look revealed a whole dead baby mouse. Still in shock that how fortunate I was to have noticed it before I cooked the one cup for my children tonight, I rushed to the Indian Store to make aware of the batch number and the distributor of the SWAD brand Dal. First response was to go and take another free one,it took few minutes before we explained that it be reported seriously. We take it for granted packaged goods are checked, but a proper quality check would have caught this thing before you see it in a bag. Just remember to feel through the packet before you take home something, I know I will from today.
Here are few picture of incident.
If you don't know what is Dal, read here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dal